Latest Past Events

Breakfast with Santa

Big Church 7209 Fegenbush Lane, Louisville

I heard Santa was coming to Big Church, and he is asking to meet YOU!JOIN US for Breakfast with Santa. We will be doing LOTS of FUN things including: Pancake Breakfast delivered by Santa's elves Crafts Pictures with Santa Story Time with Mrs. Claus Various gift shops + activities throughout the North Pole


Trunk or Treat

Big Church 7209 Fegenbush Lane, Louisville

Grab the kids and join us on Saturday, October 29th for our Annual Trunk or Treat event! Join us from 4pm - 6pm for: Candy Games Bounce Houses Chili cook-off Register for this FREE event for a quick check-in! We can't wait to see you there!


5th Birthday Bash

Big Church 7209 Fegenbush Lane, Louisville

Join us as we celebrate our 5th birthday the only way we know how - BIG! After service we will have:  Food Trucks Bounce Houses Pie the Pastor Games Bake Off Face Painting Tank the Team We'd love to see you, your family, and your friends join in on the FUN!